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Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

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Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Outdoor Solar Lights Can Reduce Energy

Outdoor Solar Lights Can Reduce Energy Consumption For Your City by Brent Crouch
in Technology

The U.S. has 13 million streetlights which use approx. 2 billion kWh of electricity per year and can eat up to 40% of a city's energy costs. At a time when municipalities and states are scrambling to meet budget requirements, the high cost of outdoor lighting becomes a serious issue.
Reducing this energy consumption saves electricity costs and increases renewable energy demand. With many states enacting plans to rely more heavily on renewable energy, solar lighting is one avenue to meet these goals. It's also handy for remote construction and work crews who depend on diesel-powered generators for electricity.
Solar lights can replace any outdoor lighting from a household's porch light to a streetlight to a road sign or billboard spotlight. At the University of California and the National Institute of Standards and Technologies, solar panels on top of parking lot shelters light up the areas at night. Bus shelters and public parking lots in Florida and San Diego are lit using solar panels.
If you've driven down a mountain highway recently, you may have noticed road signs with a little black box perched on top. That solar panel box charges during the day, and lights the sign at night, eliminating the need for electricity in remote or rural areas. Portable solar panel generators, such as GreenTow, have been developed to supply emergency response teams and remote construction sites with non-fossil fuel power. The panels can be towed to a site and generate energy to power generators with a diesel back-up in case of problems.
Outdoor solar lights can be more fun than a garage roof lining or a tow trailer. In Adelaide, Australia, solar light art called Solar Mallee Trees have been operating since 2005. They generate 864 kWh energy, while using only 125 kWh to light their surroundings. The extra electricity is put back into the grid for use elsewhere.
Pittsburgh, PA and Vienna, Italy have similar solar light constructs which tend to be in the shape of a tree or a flower with the petals and leaves sporting solar panels on one side and lights on the other. These types of lights contribute artistically to their cities, generate power for the grid, and reduce dependence on costly nonrenewable energy.
In every sector of the economy, energy efficiency is gaining importance both as a cost-saving solution and as a way to meet efficiency goals. Due to the public nature of this service, it's very citizen driven. Supporting your local community's efforts to replace inefficient outdoor lighting with solar technology will increase the dispersion of this practice as business as usual.

About the Author
Energy Conservation Tips & Ways To Save Electricity Costs
Low Cost Ways To Save Energy, Money, & The Planet!

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Metode Unlocking Blackberry

5 Metode untuk Unlock Blackberry Storm

Pada dasarnya ada tiga metode unlocking Blackberry Storm atau ponsel pintar lainnya dalam hal ini, IMEI metode kode unlock, unlock atau pembukaan kunci perangkat lunak menggunakan kabel (membuka perangkat keras).

Unlocking dengan IMEI adalah kode unlock tercepat dan cara paling aman untuk membuka ponsel pintar. Unlocking software dan hardware tidak dapat diandalkan sama sekali, di sisi lain Unlocking dengan membuka kode IMEI adalah suatu metode asli untuk menghentikan kontrak Anda secara legal [resmi]tanpa void garansi Anda, bahkan Anda dapat mendapatkan kode pembuka kunci dari penyedia jaringan Anda sendiri.

1. Tanyakan pada Network Provider!
Biaya: Tergantung pada status account Anda
Kesulitan: Seperti semudah panggilan melalui nomor telepon
Time: Dapat langsung dikerjakan(tergantung pada Verizon Wireless)

Telepon Verizon Wireless layanan pelanggan. Minta kode untuk membuka kunci untuk menggunakan kartu SIM asing di RIM. Verizon Wireless harus dapat memberikan kode membuka. Harga tergantung pada status account. Anda mungkin perlu membayar untuk kode unlock dengan membayar biaya di muka dan kode pembuka kunci Anda akan dikirim kepada Anda baik melalui pos, email atau SMS.
Kadang-kadang penyedia Jaringan tidak akan menyediakan kode Unlock kepada Anda hanya karena mereka tidak ingin kehilangan uang dengan mengakhiri 2 tahun kontrak.

2. Dari Dealer Lokal

Biaya: Menurut pada pengecer ($ 50 - $ 100)
Kesulitan: Sedang
Selebihnya: Seketika di toko

Menemukan mereka menggunakan online / telepon direktori / Minta mereka untuk mengaktifkan RIM BlackBerry Storm 9530, dikunci untuk Verizon Wireless di Amerika Serikat. Get RIM Anda terkunci di toko menggunakan perangkat keras khusus. Pastikan Anda membuat cadangan semua setting Anda dan data penting / Biasanya Anda dapat menegosiasikan harga dan dapat dilakukan secara langsung - sementara Anda bisa menunggu,
Biasanya ini adalah suatu pilihan yang mahal, tergantung pada dealer dan mungkin memakan waktu beberapa hari tergantung pada sumber kode pembuka dealer yang menggunakan.

3. Remote Unlock Code Provider

Biaya: Kecil Charge.
Tingkat kesulitan: Seperti semudah panggilan melalui nomor telepon
Selebihnya: Seketika untuk beberapa jam

Gunakan mesin pencari untuk menemukan pengecer online / Ubah kode buka kunci online / Tunggu kode untuk membuka kunci untuk mencapai / dapat dikirim melalui email, SMS atau bahkan melalui telepon / Ikuti petunjuk dan masukkan kode untuk membuka kunci /
Ini merupakan pilihan terbaik, sedikit kode pembuka kunci asli penyedia online telah mencapai datatabases terbesar dari kode membuka dan karena itu jauh lebih aman daripada metode lain asalkan Anda tidak berurusan dengan layanan kelas B.

4. Software Unlock

Sekarang tidak ada perangkat lunak yang tersedia yang dapat diandalkan untuk membuka Blackberry 9xxx. Meskipun ada yang mengklaim diri solusi perangkat lunak yang tersedia, jika Anda cukup anggaran, Anda dapat mencoba http://gadgetwidgets.com/freeware-free-unlock-your-blackberry-8000-and-9000-series/
Cobalah tetapi risiko Anda sendiri.

5. Hardware Unlock (membuka klip atau membuka kotak)

Biaya: Sebagian besar pilihan yang mahal (biasanya lebih murah daripada klip kotak)

Selebihnya: Segera setelah Anda memiliki peralatan sendiri

Gunakan mesin pencari untuk menemukan pengecer online yang cocok / Cari untuk RIM BlackBerry Storm 9530 membuka klip dan / atau membuka kotak
Order hardware online / Get free dukungan teknis pada situs produsen / Opsi untuk tambahan dukungan dibayar dengan banyak toko online. Dan ini adalah cara yang paling mahal dan metode rumit dari semua cara ini.
Oleh Gudangenergi, dari berbagai sumber

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Energy Alternative - Solar Power

Solar Power Solutions At Home

With energy sources depleting at a rate faster than they are being built, it is only wise that we use the abundant energy available for free - the solar energy. Apart from the easy availability, solar energy helps control environmental pollution. Most.. of us shy away from installing solar power solutions at home thinking them to be expensive and cumbersome. You will, however, be surprised to know how easy it is to employ these power solutions. Moreover, these will help cut down your power bills. Finally, you will be delighted to know tat you are doing your bit to save power for the future.

This article will explore the various solar power options available for home use.

Solar cooker: A solar cooker is a cooking utensil that uses absolutely no fuel for cooking. You can cook food for up to five people in the small box. If you are thinking that using a solar cooker will reduce your chances of spreading up a varied platter on the dining table, you will be surprised to know that you can not only boil food items in the cooker but also roast and bake! The only limitation with the solar cooker is the time it takes to cook. However, given the free source of energy it uses, this is a great option for cutting down those sky-rocketing bills and saving some power.

Solar home lighting: A solar home lighting system converts solar energy into electrical energy for your home. This is done via cells that are charged with solar energy. So, in the night, if you wonder how the lights are on in the house, it is because of the solar energy stored in the solar cells. You can install the solar home lighting system in your house and not worry about the electricity bills anymore.

Solar heating system: Installing a solar heating system in your home helps cutting down your electricity bill along with saving the world's quickly-exhausting power. If you are worried that a solar heating system will turn your sweet home into a gadget house or that it will be an expensive investment, your concerns are misplaced. Companies providing solar power solutions for homes make it a point to install aesthetically-pleasing heating systems in your house. As per as expenditure is concerned, investing in a solar heating system is wise because you get a return on your investment within 3-4 years, giving you absolutely free service after that.(Peter Harris)

Energy Alternative - BioFuel

The Possible Answer To Our Future Fuel Needs

Bio-fuels differ from fossil fuels as follows:

1. Million of years are required for the creation of fossil fuels whereas in comparison. Bio-fuels can be created in a very short space of time, within days in some cases.
2. Fossil fuels are the main culprit behind the large amounts of pollution present today.
3. Fossil fuels unlike bio-fuels, cannot be renewed, once depleted, that's it.game over.
There are..
four categories of bio-fuels. Which are First, Second, Third and Fourth generation. Which can be explained as follows.

First generation bio-fuels are mainly created from vegetable fats, starch and sugar which in turn come from food crops. Another derivative of first generation fuels is animal fats. Examples of this type of Bio-fuels are bio gas, bio-diesel and vegetable oil.

Waste biomass is the main source of second generation bio-fuels. Which in itself is a more balanced option in comparison to first generation fuels. Various types of alcohols and diesel created from wood fall into second generation bio-fuels.

Third generation bio-fuels are derived from algae. Large scale farming of algae is required for the creating of these bio-fuels. The algae fuels are very environmentally friendly because they easily decompose back into the soil without damaging the soil.

Lastly, the fourth generation bio-fuels use a method in which micro-organisms are raised which work with carbon dioxide to generate the fuel.

Bio-fuels have proven to be advantageous in the following areas:

1. Bio-fuels can reduce the burden on the gradual depletion of fossil fuels. 2. Being extremely environment friendly. Bio-fuels assist in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. 3. And finally, bio-fuels are very cost effective for consumers. Especially bio-diesel.

However, bio-fuels are not without criticism. Though beneficial on the environment. There are disadvantages. Some of the main criticism's are:

The debate on the viability of first generation bio-fuels has been ongoing. The main issue being the impact on food production when food is needed for the production of fuels. Some people believe that if food crops are used to generate fuel. The quality of the crops may no longer be fit for human consumption.

The creation of large quantities of bio-fuel would require large areas of farming land. Which would mean that to create bio-fuels without reducing farm land used to feed the nations. New land would be required which in turn could encroach on the natural habitat of plants and animals.

If we take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the creating or bio-fuel. It does not seem as if there is a quick solution at hand. Although bio-fuel is regarded as the solution to our power needs. Maybe the answer lay with home owners who could start creating their own power requirements in their back yards. Just a thought.

About the Author

Make power at home with the ever present solar and wind energy available and reduce your electricity bill while doing your bit to preserve our Planet's resources. Visit alternative fuels for information on our detailed guide (Cecil Heim)

Energy Alternative - Bio Diessel

How Do You Make Biodiesel At Home

Making Biodiesel - The Supplies

To make a small batch of Biodiesel at home, you only need to comply with few input requirements Actual ingredients are needed to produce a Biodiesel product alcohol, lye substance and vegetable oil.
You also have to produce some supply requirements for mixing the fuel: empty plastic bottles, duct tape, a mixer and measuring cups.

Make sure that any inputs for the production of Biodiesel should not be used for any other purpose and avoid using again for your cooking ingredients.

When supplies are ready, you are ready to begin learning how to make Biodiesel.

Safe Process

The production of Biodiesel is nothing risky. Running the risk of inviting fire or explosion is minimal. In fact, the only major area of concern, as far as safety, getting hurt due to flames. Exercise caution and ensure that the mixture's temperature is under control.

You will go through the easy process of making Biodiesel which involves combining the inputs, allowing it to set, splitting the byproduct and Biodiesel and then purifying the Biodiesel. The entire proccess can last for just a few days or it may take a few weeks. That is dependent on the cleanliness level of your vegetable oil.

Small or Large Scale

The production of a Biodiesel can be in a small scale or a large scale basis. Using Biodiesel kits is way to go if your intention is to produce a a few gallons of Biodiesel at a time. If you depend on your lawnmower or similar equipments then A Biodiesel kit would be perfect. It is easy to use and will not require a considerable level of supplies.

If your mindset is to produce more Biodiesel for the instance for running your automobile, you have to operate a Biodiesel processor. This makes the process super simple, so you can increase your level of production. More production inputs are required to run a processor but you can be more productive in making Biodiesel since the processor can automate some tasks (Kurt Rorbakken)