How To Post On Free Classified To Drive More Traffic To A Website
Posting classified ads on the Internet is, of course, another form of advertising. Due to their self-regulating nature coupled with low cost construction, some companies offer free online classifieds both on the national and international level.
Internet classified ads are readily searchable, and they are no longer limited to websites dedicated to free classified ads only. There are now ads appearing in blogs and other personal/business websites.
So how can one use this to drive more traffic to a website? There are four things you must do:
1. Write A Better Ad
2. Post Your Ad Where Your Niche Market Is
3. Track Your Results, And
4. Refresh You Ad Often By Returning To Step Number One.
Step No. 1
You have to remember 2 things when writing your ads for free classifieds. One, that you are not the lone writer of good ads; and two, that there will always be better ads than yours. When it comes to ad writing, you must remember that a mediocre ad will almost always be ignored in the vast information spheres of the Internet. If you are a regular subscriber to free classifieds, try to look at which ads grabs your attention at one glance.
If it grabs you, try to note if the ad falls into the interesting category or the misleading category. Those that lead to interesting are the great ads, and you should try to emulate those. If you are trying to lead readers into your site, make sure that the address is correctly encoded, and that it is not shortened to fit space constraints. For example, write instead of
Take note also of the ads that fall into the misleading category, and why they are misleading the readers in the first place. Some ad writers become so desperate for their ads to be noticed that they will write practically anything to grab attention and that will reflect poorly.
You should also note that styles of great ad writing comes and goes, so you need to really monitor ads before you post one.
Step No. 2
Specialization is the name of the game. More and more free classifieds are becoming so specialized that some cater only to specific niches in the market. Try to see where your niche or market lies. If you are into exotic flowers, try to search for free classifieds for gardening, or flower raising, or horticulture. All you need is a listing of a free classified specific to your product and service, and that can be resolved through a simple search on any search engine.
Step No. 3
Track your results religiously. Most free classified websites offer tracking, so this should be of no hardship to you. However, you should never rely on just one free classified website if you really want to see results. Subscribe to 10 or more, if you can handle it. See which sites are garnering more hits for your ad, and see which are doing poorly.
Step No. 4
If your product is all about cars and car parts, your niche is definitely large, and yes, your little ad just might lose itself in about a minute or two. You need to rewrite and reinvent your ad in more ways than one. Each free classified website has a set of rules and a specific format, so try to tailor each of your ads to what works best for you.
Also, you have to take into consideration that all Internet subscribers are finicky creatures. What may work well this month, may be past next month. This means that you have to add a lot of rewriting in order to see any results.
Sabtu, 05 September 2009
Kamis, 03 September 2009
Quality Website Design Services at Half the Price by jumi
Every company wants an online presence of its business so that customers can have instant access to information about your business products and services. It can be done through Website design and development
which is the most significant tool to create a brand value for internet users across the world. Another major reason why companies opt for web development is that it helps automate their business work flow. A completely developed and maintained site has a number of features attached to it, such as remote log in, order taking, check progress, view reports, share opinions, gaining knowledge and more.
For Quality Website Design Services, Visit us at
With more and more visitors gaining internet access everyday visiting the sites, a company that has the right design, can easily convert new visitors into valuable leads and increase revenue. Thus investing on web development can bring increased revenue for any company for years, provided it continues to make slight moderation to suit the demand of its consumers.
Web4Half is a leading website design and hosting company that provides Quality Website Design Services, Website Hosting Services, Search Engine Optimization Services and submissions to help you to achieve top search engine placement. Based in New York, we provide web-based solutions that empower SME, large Enterprises, and other web solution providers with a strong focus on quality, timeliness, and being cost effective. Our website developers are specialists in creating quality web designs suited to your budget. With more than 30 professionals, we have an experienced professional operating unit at Web4Half. We manage web programming - client-side and server-side and also have professionals for desktop applications. All development will go through quality assurance procedures and we have experienced professionals to take your project to the next level.
Whether you are an individual looking for a basic shared hosting package or a small business that needs a scalable dedicated web hosting solution. Our web design process provides you with dedicated servers and reseller hosting services that can be matched to fit your needs. In addition to this, we ensure better rankings for your site and increasing your site's number of visitors by analyzing sites and optimizing for keywords. You can clarify these facts when viewing our portfolio. Go through our quality proven websites @ or contact our representatives @ 888-880-HALF (4253).
About the Author
Quality Web Design
Every company wants an online presence of its business so that customers can have instant access to information about your business products and services. It can be done through Website design and development
which is the most significant tool to create a brand value for internet users across the world. Another major reason why companies opt for web development is that it helps automate their business work flow. A completely developed and maintained site has a number of features attached to it, such as remote log in, order taking, check progress, view reports, share opinions, gaining knowledge and more.
For Quality Website Design Services, Visit us at
With more and more visitors gaining internet access everyday visiting the sites, a company that has the right design, can easily convert new visitors into valuable leads and increase revenue. Thus investing on web development can bring increased revenue for any company for years, provided it continues to make slight moderation to suit the demand of its consumers.
Web4Half is a leading website design and hosting company that provides Quality Website Design Services, Website Hosting Services, Search Engine Optimization Services and submissions to help you to achieve top search engine placement. Based in New York, we provide web-based solutions that empower SME, large Enterprises, and other web solution providers with a strong focus on quality, timeliness, and being cost effective. Our website developers are specialists in creating quality web designs suited to your budget. With more than 30 professionals, we have an experienced professional operating unit at Web4Half. We manage web programming - client-side and server-side and also have professionals for desktop applications. All development will go through quality assurance procedures and we have experienced professionals to take your project to the next level.
Whether you are an individual looking for a basic shared hosting package or a small business that needs a scalable dedicated web hosting solution. Our web design process provides you with dedicated servers and reseller hosting services that can be matched to fit your needs. In addition to this, we ensure better rankings for your site and increasing your site's number of visitors by analyzing sites and optimizing for keywords. You can clarify these facts when viewing our portfolio. Go through our quality proven websites @ or contact our representatives @ 888-880-HALF (4253).
About the Author
Quality Web Design
Tutor Ngeblog - PerluSekali
Akhir-akhir ini ngeblog atau webmaking menjadi semakin populair dan peminatnyapun bertambah semakin pesat.....
Mengingat kekuatan dari blog tersebut, lantas apa saja sebenarnya kebermanfaatan sebuah blog bagi seorang pendidik/guru, untuk peserta/peminatsiswa atau bahkan dunia pendidikan secara lebih luas. Dalam hal ini kiranya seorang guru perlu ngeblog. Karena blog adalah media yang paling bagus dan kreatif. Untuk itu perlu kiranya tutor khusus untuk ngeblog atau eskul/mulok untuk ngeblog sekurang kurangnya sisiwa didik atau peminat ngeblog bisa memperoleh pembelajaran tentang cara-cara ngeblog walaupun sekedar bisa. Sebab kalau belajar hanya dari literatur atau buku kurang bisa memahami.
Mengingat kekuatan dari blog tersebut, lantas apa saja sebenarnya kebermanfaatan sebuah blog bagi seorang pendidik/guru, untuk peserta/peminatsiswa atau bahkan dunia pendidikan secara lebih luas. Dalam hal ini kiranya seorang guru perlu ngeblog. Karena blog adalah media yang paling bagus dan kreatif. Untuk itu perlu kiranya tutor khusus untuk ngeblog atau eskul/mulok untuk ngeblog sekurang kurangnya sisiwa didik atau peminat ngeblog bisa memperoleh pembelajaran tentang cara-cara ngeblog walaupun sekedar bisa. Sebab kalau belajar hanya dari literatur atau buku kurang bisa memahami.
Bikin blog - lanjutan
Selasa, 01 September 2009
Usaha Modal Kecil by Robert Hanson
Ketika seseorang mulai berpikir untuk memulai sebuah usaha atau bisnis dengan modal kecil di internet, maka pilihannya ada banyak sekali. Sebab apapun model bisnis internet yang ada saat ini, modalnya relatif terjangkau. Sekitar ratusan ribu Rupiah saja. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan peluang usaha online apa saja yang bisa anda kerjakan.
Menjadi Affiliate Model bisnis internet yang satu ini bisa dibilang model bisnis yang modalnya paling minimal. Sebab produk yang dijual adalah produk orang lain, anda tidak perlu membuat produk sendiri. Ketika penjualan terjadi, anda berhak mendapatkan komisi. Sesederhana itu cara kerjanya.
Menjual Informasi Berupa Ebook Ebook merupakan produk yang mudah dibuat dan banyak dijual di internet. Menjual ebook di internet merupakan sebuah peluang usaha yang menjanjikan, sebab sekali ebook itu dibuat maka si pemilik ebook bisa menjualnya berulang kali tanpa harus kehabisan stok. Sehingga penghasilannya juga bisa datang terus menerus.
Membuka Toko Online Kunci utama dari model bisnis toko online ini adalah repeat order. Berbeda dengan bisnis ebook, bisnis toko online ini bisa mendatangkan penghasilan yang berulang dari seorang customer saja. Sedangkan kalau anda menjual ebook, tidak mungkin seorang membeli ebook yang sama sebanyak dua kali. Inilah kunci suksesnya sebuah bisnis toko online atau yang kerap kali disebut dengan online store.
Ketiga contoh di atas adalah peluang usaha dengan modal yang relatif terjangkau yang bisa anda kerjakan di internet.
Anda bisa mendapatkan tutorial lebih lanjut mengenai bisnis toko online mulai dari cara cari ide hingga bagaimana mempromosikannya di Sukses Bisnis Online Store
About the Author
Robert Hanson telah berkecimpung dalam dunia bisnis online sejak tahun 2004. Hingga saat ini, dia sudah membantu lebih dari 1,000 orang di Indonesia untuk mengenal bisnis online melalui ebook, seminar dan workshop.
Ketika seseorang mulai berpikir untuk memulai sebuah usaha atau bisnis dengan modal kecil di internet, maka pilihannya ada banyak sekali. Sebab apapun model bisnis internet yang ada saat ini, modalnya relatif terjangkau. Sekitar ratusan ribu Rupiah saja. Artikel ini akan menjelaskan peluang usaha online apa saja yang bisa anda kerjakan.
Menjadi Affiliate Model bisnis internet yang satu ini bisa dibilang model bisnis yang modalnya paling minimal. Sebab produk yang dijual adalah produk orang lain, anda tidak perlu membuat produk sendiri. Ketika penjualan terjadi, anda berhak mendapatkan komisi. Sesederhana itu cara kerjanya.
Menjual Informasi Berupa Ebook Ebook merupakan produk yang mudah dibuat dan banyak dijual di internet. Menjual ebook di internet merupakan sebuah peluang usaha yang menjanjikan, sebab sekali ebook itu dibuat maka si pemilik ebook bisa menjualnya berulang kali tanpa harus kehabisan stok. Sehingga penghasilannya juga bisa datang terus menerus.
Membuka Toko Online Kunci utama dari model bisnis toko online ini adalah repeat order. Berbeda dengan bisnis ebook, bisnis toko online ini bisa mendatangkan penghasilan yang berulang dari seorang customer saja. Sedangkan kalau anda menjual ebook, tidak mungkin seorang membeli ebook yang sama sebanyak dua kali. Inilah kunci suksesnya sebuah bisnis toko online atau yang kerap kali disebut dengan online store.
Ketiga contoh di atas adalah peluang usaha dengan modal yang relatif terjangkau yang bisa anda kerjakan di internet.
Anda bisa mendapatkan tutorial lebih lanjut mengenai bisnis toko online mulai dari cara cari ide hingga bagaimana mempromosikannya di Sukses Bisnis Online Store
About the Author
Robert Hanson telah berkecimpung dalam dunia bisnis online sejak tahun 2004. Hingga saat ini, dia sudah membantu lebih dari 1,000 orang di Indonesia untuk mengenal bisnis online melalui ebook, seminar dan workshop.
How To Make Thousands Of Dollars Online For FREE - Start Earning Right Now With These Simple Methods! by Max R.
I don't want to waste you time with hype and other useless garbage so I'm going to get right down to it. In this article you are going to find out about 2 methods of making money online.
The first method for making money online using free techniques will make you a decent amount of bank if you really work hard at it but the real money lies in using the second method.
The second method will allow you to make six figures online. How? Because this method is a real business model which requires very little effort on your part. So, keep on reading to find out about these 2 simple methods for making money online...
Fill Out Free Offers And Make Money Online...
The first way to make money online with ease is to fill out free offers using a website called CashCrate. CashCrate is a website that allows you to fill out surveys and free offers in exchange for money. It is entirely free, very simple to use, and best of all a guaranteed way to make money online.
Now, I will not lie to you. You aren't going to be making hundreds of dollars a day just by filling out free offers and surveys. However, it is possible to earn several thousands of dollars every single month by using CashCrate if you know how to work the system correctly.
You see, the real money starts rolling in once you start referring other people to CashCrate. When you do this you will be making money on complete autopilot. You won't see a whole lot of money right away but if you keep on referring new people to CashCrate then you will begin to see a very nice side income roll in you way. Just click the link below to visit CashCrate for yourself.
Keep on reading to find out about a method of making money online which has the potential to make you six figures a year...
Make Tons Of Money Online OR Buy A Pizza?
The next method of making money online has the potential to make you thousands upon thousands of dollars right from the get go. Yes, filling out free offers and surveys is a nice way to rack up a side income but it will not generate you a full time income in the same way that this next method will. This next method is the real deal when it comes to making money online.
So, what is it? It's called The Conduit Method and it is quite possible the easiest way to make a full time income online. This method is all about leveraging the work done by others so that you can make as much money as possible with very little effort on your part.
How can I be so sure of this? Well for one, I have my own copy of The Conduit Method. I know exactly what it has to offer and I know that well worth the investment of a pizza. That's right, you can get your hands on a six figure income blueprint for the same price as a pizza!
Don't believe me? Just click the link below to see for yourself. If you are serious about making money online then you absolutely need to check this report out.
Visit the official Conduit Method website right NOW!
^^What are you waiting for? You would like to make a full time income with as little effort as possible, right?
About the Author
Make money online with more free content at
I don't want to waste you time with hype and other useless garbage so I'm going to get right down to it. In this article you are going to find out about 2 methods of making money online.
The first method for making money online using free techniques will make you a decent amount of bank if you really work hard at it but the real money lies in using the second method.
The second method will allow you to make six figures online. How? Because this method is a real business model which requires very little effort on your part. So, keep on reading to find out about these 2 simple methods for making money online...
Fill Out Free Offers And Make Money Online...
The first way to make money online with ease is to fill out free offers using a website called CashCrate. CashCrate is a website that allows you to fill out surveys and free offers in exchange for money. It is entirely free, very simple to use, and best of all a guaranteed way to make money online.
Now, I will not lie to you. You aren't going to be making hundreds of dollars a day just by filling out free offers and surveys. However, it is possible to earn several thousands of dollars every single month by using CashCrate if you know how to work the system correctly.
You see, the real money starts rolling in once you start referring other people to CashCrate. When you do this you will be making money on complete autopilot. You won't see a whole lot of money right away but if you keep on referring new people to CashCrate then you will begin to see a very nice side income roll in you way. Just click the link below to visit CashCrate for yourself.
Keep on reading to find out about a method of making money online which has the potential to make you six figures a year...
Make Tons Of Money Online OR Buy A Pizza?
The next method of making money online has the potential to make you thousands upon thousands of dollars right from the get go. Yes, filling out free offers and surveys is a nice way to rack up a side income but it will not generate you a full time income in the same way that this next method will. This next method is the real deal when it comes to making money online.
So, what is it? It's called The Conduit Method and it is quite possible the easiest way to make a full time income online. This method is all about leveraging the work done by others so that you can make as much money as possible with very little effort on your part.
How can I be so sure of this? Well for one, I have my own copy of The Conduit Method. I know exactly what it has to offer and I know that well worth the investment of a pizza. That's right, you can get your hands on a six figure income blueprint for the same price as a pizza!
Don't believe me? Just click the link below to see for yourself. If you are serious about making money online then you absolutely need to check this report out.
Visit the official Conduit Method website right NOW!
^^What are you waiting for? You would like to make a full time income with as little effort as possible, right?
About the Author
Make money online with more free content at
Make Money Online
How to Increase Ranking and Website Traffic by Anne-Marie RONSEN
Day after day marketing on the Internet is getting harder and harder. Search Engine Optimization is a huge business piece on the Internet.
It is a cooperative effort between merchants and any website. For many years now, Search Engine Optimization has proved to be a cost-efficient, measurable method of delivering long-term results. Every day, people get interested in Search Engine Optimization and want to make money out of it.
Step by Step Training To Achieve TOP Rankings you'll find here: - FREE Video Tutorials Download
You must be prepared to spend years developing a list, making contacts, testing various advertising methods, establishing a network of Sales representatives and/or distributors, and doing all the others jobs that go intobuilding a company (even longer to build a reputation). If you can make it through the first few years, you'll be well on your way to success.
The world is full of incredible possibilities. The Internet has expanded the ability to communicate with each other and with prospects, customers and suppliers. Selling by mail can be the easiest and least expensive method of selling your services or products.
You can convert your visitors into buyers. The following points are basic to any Website Traffic strategy:
1. First, you must decide WHAT you are going to sell or market; And you must believe in it;
2. Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Having a well designed and relevant web copy is crucial. This will help search engines easily index your web pages and rank them high.
3. Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.
4. Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers.
5. Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.
6. Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.
7. Include valuable content and free stuff on your website.
8. Creating fake domains and letting those domains point to your site is a trick thought to be effective for improving page ranking at Google. However Google claims that this is not true and they are able to spot duplicate domains and domain scams.
9. Don't look at your website as a static brochure. Treat it as a dynamic, ever-changing sales tool and location, just like your real store to which your customers with the same seriousness.
10. Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.
11. Build a good links and resources page on your website. Linking strategy is not a trick as many get rich quick merchants would have you believe. Treat linking as one important aspect of your Search Engine Optimization strategy. Links for the sake of links have no value whatsoever. Indeed, they can damage your rankings. So forget about link farms and other such nonsense.
12. Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
13. Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.
14. When selling products online, use simple payment and shipment methods to make your customer's experience fast and easy.
15. Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.
16. Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
17. Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. Be sure this is a manual submission. Do not engage an automated submission service.
18. When not sure, hire professionals. Though it may seem costly, but it is a lot less expensive than spending your money on a website which no one visits.
19. Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
20. Improving your website's link popularity is absolutely vital for improving the visibility of your website with regard to Search Engines. Your "link popularity" is simply a count of the number of web pages that are linked to you. You may want to know your link popularity for two reasons. The first is that your link popularity will improve your ranking on all crawler search engines. As discussed earlier, all crawler-based search engines have a component called the spider, which crawls from one webpage to another through links. Hence, more the websites linking to your website, the better are your chances of getting listed through a search engine. The second reason is that you might want to know which websites are linked to you and potentially referring traffic.
This combination of techniques is greater as a whole than the sum of the parts. While you can skip any small technique that is a part of the overall strategy, it will subtract from the edge you'd gain by employing all the tactics Choose the terms that you wish to include as the most productive search terms for your site, terms that you associate with the correct target visitors to your site. Put those in the search engines and find what pages rank near the top for them. These top-ranking sites/pages would be on the top of your list, if you needed to plant links to your site on other pages.
Step by Step Training To Achieve TOP Rankings you'll find here: - FREE Video Tutorials Download
Once you have found the top ranked pages/sites for your chosen search term(s), you should check what sites or pages link to that site. If you get links from any of these sites to your target pages, you may be able to dramatically improve your ranking on Google and other crawler based Search Engines.
Get This Massive Collection Of 'How To' SEO Training Videos That Show The Easy Ways To Increase Your Online Profits, now:
Discover how to watch and learn while you sell & earn with this Massive Collection of Internet Business Training Videos:
Concentrate of giving the search engines what they really want - great content, well-organized, well-published and linked to other relevant material. Concentrate on that and you will be rewarded.
Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.
FREE Download Ebooks FREE Ebook Membership FREE Software FREE Premium Content Manual Website Submission FORUM FREE Quality Content ALL About AUTISM
About the Author
Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or -You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:
Day after day marketing on the Internet is getting harder and harder. Search Engine Optimization is a huge business piece on the Internet.
It is a cooperative effort between merchants and any website. For many years now, Search Engine Optimization has proved to be a cost-efficient, measurable method of delivering long-term results. Every day, people get interested in Search Engine Optimization and want to make money out of it.
Step by Step Training To Achieve TOP Rankings you'll find here: - FREE Video Tutorials Download
You must be prepared to spend years developing a list, making contacts, testing various advertising methods, establishing a network of Sales representatives and/or distributors, and doing all the others jobs that go intobuilding a company (even longer to build a reputation). If you can make it through the first few years, you'll be well on your way to success.
The world is full of incredible possibilities. The Internet has expanded the ability to communicate with each other and with prospects, customers and suppliers. Selling by mail can be the easiest and least expensive method of selling your services or products.
You can convert your visitors into buyers. The following points are basic to any Website Traffic strategy:
1. First, you must decide WHAT you are going to sell or market; And you must believe in it;
2. Create a site with valuable content, products or services. Having a well designed and relevant web copy is crucial. This will help search engines easily index your web pages and rank them high.
3. Keep your site design simple so that your customers can navigate easily between web pages, find what they want and buy products and services.
4. Research and use the right keywords/phrases to attract your target customers.
5. Use your keywords in the right fields and references within your web page. Like Title, META tags, Headers, etc.
6. Place primary and secondary keywords within the first 25 words in your page content and spread them evenly throughout the document.
7. Include valuable content and free stuff on your website.
8. Creating fake domains and letting those domains point to your site is a trick thought to be effective for improving page ranking at Google. However Google claims that this is not true and they are able to spot duplicate domains and domain scams.
9. Don't look at your website as a static brochure. Treat it as a dynamic, ever-changing sales tool and location, just like your real store to which your customers with the same seriousness.
10. Demonstrate your industry and product or service expertise by writing and submitting articles for your website or for article banks so you are perceived as an expert in your field.
11. Build a good links and resources page on your website. Linking strategy is not a trick as many get rich quick merchants would have you believe. Treat linking as one important aspect of your Search Engine Optimization strategy. Links for the sake of links have no value whatsoever. Indeed, they can damage your rankings. So forget about link farms and other such nonsense.
12. Monitor your competitors and the top ranked websites to see what they are doing right in the way of design, navigation, content, keywords, etc.
13. Make your customer visit easy and give them plenty of ways to remember you in the form of newsletters, free reports, reduction coupons etc.
14. When selling products online, use simple payment and shipment methods to make your customer's experience fast and easy.
15. Use reports and logs from your web hosting company to see where your traffic is coming from. Analyze your visitor location and their incoming sources whether search engines or links from other sites and the keywords they used to find you.
16. Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
17. Submit your web pages i.e. every web page and not just the home page, to the most popular search engines and directory services. Hire someone to do so, if required. Be sure this is a manual submission. Do not engage an automated submission service.
18. When not sure, hire professionals. Though it may seem costly, but it is a lot less expensive than spending your money on a website which no one visits.
19. Keep track of changes in search engine algorithms and processes and accordingly modify your web pages so your search engine ranking remains high. Use online tools and utilities to keep track of how your website is doing.
20. Improving your website's link popularity is absolutely vital for improving the visibility of your website with regard to Search Engines. Your "link popularity" is simply a count of the number of web pages that are linked to you. You may want to know your link popularity for two reasons. The first is that your link popularity will improve your ranking on all crawler search engines. As discussed earlier, all crawler-based search engines have a component called the spider, which crawls from one webpage to another through links. Hence, more the websites linking to your website, the better are your chances of getting listed through a search engine. The second reason is that you might want to know which websites are linked to you and potentially referring traffic.
This combination of techniques is greater as a whole than the sum of the parts. While you can skip any small technique that is a part of the overall strategy, it will subtract from the edge you'd gain by employing all the tactics Choose the terms that you wish to include as the most productive search terms for your site, terms that you associate with the correct target visitors to your site. Put those in the search engines and find what pages rank near the top for them. These top-ranking sites/pages would be on the top of your list, if you needed to plant links to your site on other pages.
Step by Step Training To Achieve TOP Rankings you'll find here: - FREE Video Tutorials Download
Once you have found the top ranked pages/sites for your chosen search term(s), you should check what sites or pages link to that site. If you get links from any of these sites to your target pages, you may be able to dramatically improve your ranking on Google and other crawler based Search Engines.
Get This Massive Collection Of 'How To' SEO Training Videos That Show The Easy Ways To Increase Your Online Profits, now:
Discover how to watch and learn while you sell & earn with this Massive Collection of Internet Business Training Videos:
Concentrate of giving the search engines what they really want - great content, well-organized, well-published and linked to other relevant material. Concentrate on that and you will be rewarded.
Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.
FREE Download Ebooks FREE Ebook Membership FREE Software FREE Premium Content Manual Website Submission FORUM FREE Quality Content ALL About AUTISM
About the Author
Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or -You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:
Website Traffic
How To Make Money with a Free Blog
How To Make Money with a FREE Blog by Anne-Marie RONSEN
Tips and recommendations for successful of any Blogging
Blogging has become very popular lately. People use them as journals, diaries, and/or sales pages...
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There are 2 kinds of blogs. One kind is hosted on your own server/hosting account and is created by installing a script and then customizing the template and then adding your own content.
The 2nd type of blog is hosted by a service and all you have to do is sign up for a free account and start adding content.
If you have a budget that is very small or zero, and you are looking for a way to start making money on the internet, blogging is a great way to get started. You can make money with a free blog by adding Google Adsense, and promoting affiliate products.
The following are 10 online safest techniques, suggestions and tips for Blogging
1. first think of your goals and your resources.
2. Go to and open an account. It's free...
3. Once your account is open, create a new blog using your chosen key phrase as you Blogger sub-domain. Select a template to use.
4. Set the Blog title to be exactly the same as your key phrase. Create a description that contains your key phrase in it at least once.
5. Find affiliate programs for high-quality products in your niche. Create affiliate links for these products and insert them into your sidebar on the template where it says "Links".
6. Insert links to other blogs, related news, etc. at the bottom of each post using your key phrase somewhere in the anchor text of the link.
7. Submit your blog to as many of these blog and rss feed directories as possible.Use your key phrase in the title and at least once in the Description if you are able to enter one.
8. Go to and set up an account if you don't already have one. Add your RSS feed to your "My Yahoo" account as a news feed you want to monitor.
9. You will need to add RSS Beta to your My Yahoo content if you don't have it. For more info on how to do that, go here: and add it. You will now add your blog into the RSS feed in my yahoo. To do that, click on edit in the RSS feed section. Enter the url of your blog.
10. Go to, create an account, and do the same. To do that, enter your blog URL with "atom.xml" appended to the end of it where it says "Search for content to add".
Aside from the fun it brings, blogging can also give you profits even if you are not a businessman. In fact, there had been many people of different jobs that claimed to have gained benefits through their blogs. There are many ways one can profit through blogging.
1) - Trade Advertising - the most common way to generate income through your blog is by means of selling spaces in your blog to business institutions. Through this, you may directly consistently earn money.
There are bloggers that offer the spaces in their blogs for a certain period. This would mean that a space can expire depending on the agreement of both the blogger and the business institution. You just need your blog to be known in order to garner more business institution to advertise in your blog.
2) Trade the Products of Others - This sounds illegal but its not. On this type of profit making, you're actually helping businessmen sell their products. There are companies that offer equivalent compensation to bloggers who mentions their product in their blogs.
Through it, the company may have a larger chance of selling the product. The product and company that one will mention in his blog will be highlighted. Whenever a reader clicks on the highlighted product or company, the reader will have direct access to the seller.
3) Ask for Contributions - there is no limit in blogging except those moves that are abusive to others. You may initiate and make a club through your blog and ask your members to pay for the membership.
Think of a good service that you may offer to your members. It can be a finding-your-match service or whatever that comes out of your mind. Let them pay for the service you are offering and that's how you profit.
4) Sell Your Products and Services - Enough of the boxed idea that blogging is solely made to air opinions. You can make use of your blog to market you products and services to others. These can help your earn money anyway.
There are many people out there who made use of the bogs to find the products and services they want. This is because in blogging people are actually dealing in real time. In addition to that, hoaxing and fraud is very minimal in blogging since people do negotiate personally and directly.
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You can find free content for your blogs at article sites. You must follow the rules outlined in the article site. This usually means keeping the author's contact information and links in place. Post another piece of private label content every two days. Search forums with related content - quote and link to pertinent information about your niche.
Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.
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About the Author
Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or -You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:
Tips and recommendations for successful of any Blogging
Blogging has become very popular lately. People use them as journals, diaries, and/or sales pages...
Step by Step Training To Achieve TOP Rankings you'll find here: - FREE Video Tutorials Download
There are 2 kinds of blogs. One kind is hosted on your own server/hosting account and is created by installing a script and then customizing the template and then adding your own content.
The 2nd type of blog is hosted by a service and all you have to do is sign up for a free account and start adding content.
If you have a budget that is very small or zero, and you are looking for a way to start making money on the internet, blogging is a great way to get started. You can make money with a free blog by adding Google Adsense, and promoting affiliate products.
The following are 10 online safest techniques, suggestions and tips for Blogging
1. first think of your goals and your resources.
2. Go to and open an account. It's free...
3. Once your account is open, create a new blog using your chosen key phrase as you Blogger sub-domain. Select a template to use.
4. Set the Blog title to be exactly the same as your key phrase. Create a description that contains your key phrase in it at least once.
5. Find affiliate programs for high-quality products in your niche. Create affiliate links for these products and insert them into your sidebar on the template where it says "Links".
6. Insert links to other blogs, related news, etc. at the bottom of each post using your key phrase somewhere in the anchor text of the link.
7. Submit your blog to as many of these blog and rss feed directories as possible.Use your key phrase in the title and at least once in the Description if you are able to enter one.
8. Go to and set up an account if you don't already have one. Add your RSS feed to your "My Yahoo" account as a news feed you want to monitor.
9. You will need to add RSS Beta to your My Yahoo content if you don't have it. For more info on how to do that, go here: and add it. You will now add your blog into the RSS feed in my yahoo. To do that, click on edit in the RSS feed section. Enter the url of your blog.
10. Go to, create an account, and do the same. To do that, enter your blog URL with "atom.xml" appended to the end of it where it says "Search for content to add".
Aside from the fun it brings, blogging can also give you profits even if you are not a businessman. In fact, there had been many people of different jobs that claimed to have gained benefits through their blogs. There are many ways one can profit through blogging.
1) - Trade Advertising - the most common way to generate income through your blog is by means of selling spaces in your blog to business institutions. Through this, you may directly consistently earn money.
There are bloggers that offer the spaces in their blogs for a certain period. This would mean that a space can expire depending on the agreement of both the blogger and the business institution. You just need your blog to be known in order to garner more business institution to advertise in your blog.
2) Trade the Products of Others - This sounds illegal but its not. On this type of profit making, you're actually helping businessmen sell their products. There are companies that offer equivalent compensation to bloggers who mentions their product in their blogs.
Through it, the company may have a larger chance of selling the product. The product and company that one will mention in his blog will be highlighted. Whenever a reader clicks on the highlighted product or company, the reader will have direct access to the seller.
3) Ask for Contributions - there is no limit in blogging except those moves that are abusive to others. You may initiate and make a club through your blog and ask your members to pay for the membership.
Think of a good service that you may offer to your members. It can be a finding-your-match service or whatever that comes out of your mind. Let them pay for the service you are offering and that's how you profit.
4) Sell Your Products and Services - Enough of the boxed idea that blogging is solely made to air opinions. You can make use of your blog to market you products and services to others. These can help your earn money anyway.
There are many people out there who made use of the bogs to find the products and services they want. This is because in blogging people are actually dealing in real time. In addition to that, hoaxing and fraud is very minimal in blogging since people do negotiate personally and directly.
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You can find free content for your blogs at article sites. You must follow the rules outlined in the article site. This usually means keeping the author's contact information and links in place. Post another piece of private label content every two days. Search forums with related content - quote and link to pertinent information about your niche.
Copyright © Anne-Marie Ronsen
You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.
FREE Download Ebooks FREE Ebook Membership FREE Software FREE Premium Content Manual Website Submission FORUM FREE Quality Content ALL About AUTISM
About the Author
Anne-Marie Ronsen is the author of many wealth and self development books. Download FREE e-books from, or -You will learn about the best tips and recommendations to improve your health, weight and wealth. You'll also discover FREE Premium content at and Manual Submission Directory at:
Kekuatan Blog
Menyimak hasil seminar Blogging,Journalism,and Credibility: Battleground and Common Ground di Universitas Harvard AS pada dekade Januari 2006 silam. Yang menjadikan persaingan Bloggers dan Journalism sempat mengemuka, sebab dunia reportase dan journalism secara blak-blakan dapat dilakukan lewat media blog.Sebagaimana kita ketahui disisi lain sebuah weblog,web log atau singkatnya blog, memang merupakan bagian dari aplikasi web yang memuat secara periodik postingan pada sebuah webpage umum.
Posting-posting tersebut seringkali dimuat dalam urutan posting secara terbalik, walaupun tidak selamanya demikian. Situs web semacam itu biasanya dapat diakses oleh semua pengguna internet sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan dari si pengguna blog tersebut.
Sementara itu dalam sebuah blog seperti disinyalir dalam konferensi para journalis di Universitas Harvard, terungkap enam pilar kunci yang membedakan blogging dengan saluran komunikasi lain yang menjadikan blog memiliki kekuatan tersendiri di satu sisi. Kekuatan-kekuatan itu diantaranya :
1.Publishable, pengguna dapat langsung memposting berita. Mudah, murah dan dapat dibaca dimanapun.
2.Findable, mudah ditemukan lewat situs pencari, berdasarkan subyek, nama penulis atau keduanya. Makin tambun suatu blog, makin digemari.
3.Social, yaitu blogsphere cirinya adalah cuap-cuap. Percakapan yang menarik berdasarkan topik beralih dari suatu situs web, ngelink dari suatu link ke link yang lain. Melalui blog mereka yang memiliki minat yang sama dapat membangun network atau berita lintas geografi.
4.Viral, yaitu informasi menyebar lebih cepat melalui blog dibanding news service. Saat ini tidak ada viral marketing yang dapat menyetarakan kecepatan dan efisiensi suatu blog.
5.Syndicatable, yaitu content yang kaya mudah disindikasi oleh siapa saja. Bayangkan dunia penuh dengan orang pandai, dan lewat media blog, ribuan informasi, bisa didapat.
6.Linkable,yaitu setiap blog nge-link ke yang lain, memiliki akses kepuluhan juta orang yang mengunjungi blogsphere setiap hari yang bercirikan komunikasi internet dua arah.
Media blog itu bagaikan supermarket tabloid.
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